
Main skills </>

Latest achievements </>

  • Image of Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour
  • Image of Criando Pipeline de CI/CD com Cloud Build e Terraform
  • Image of Trabalhando com Spinnaker
  • Image of Trabalhando Com Jenkins
  • Image of Cloud Deploy GCP
  • Image of Trabalhando com Terraform

Latest certifications </>

  • certificate of Criando Pipeline de CI/CD com Cloud Build e Terraform
  • certificate of Cloud DevOps Experience - Banco Carrefour

Profiles similar to Marcio Gonçalves Teixeira: </>

  • Wallace Costa
  • Vinícius Boscolo
  • Ismael Moura
  • Rafael Almeida
  • Daniel Sales
  • Rodrigo Maia
  • Carlos Leite
  • Victor Ferreira
  • Denis Ferreira
  • rodolfo wanderley
  • Luiz Raposo
  • José Reis

Join Marcio Gonçalves Teixeira in formation </>

certificate of Curso Kotlin Back-end
  • ;(Oops, Marcio Gonçalves Teixeira has no published article
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