
Main skills </>

Latest achievements </>

  • Image of Santander Bootcamp Fullstack Developer
  • Image of Desafios Intermediários Java - Santander Fullstack Developer
  • Image of Adicionando Segurança a uma API REST com Spring Security
  • Image of Imersão no Spring Framework com Spring Boot
  • Image of Introdução ao framework Spring Boot
  • Image of Principais Protocolos de Comunicação da Internet

Latest certifications </>

  • certificate of Adicionando Segurança a uma API REST com Spring Security
  • certificate of Santander Bootcamp Fullstack Developer

Profiles similar to Henrique Marsal de Souza: </>

  • Flávio Portugal
  • Maicon Quadros
  • Raziel Rodrigues
  • Rogério Oliveira
  • Pedro Telles
  • Richelle Soares
  • Jeyson Romualdo
  • Taylan Silva
  • Tiago Facco
  • Heber Silvério
  • Lucas Santos
  • Gustavo Freitas

Join Henrique Marsal de Souza in formation </>

certificate of Curso JavaScript Developer
  • ;(Oops, Henrique Marsal de Souza has no published article
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