
Main skills </>

Latest achievements </>

  • Image of Criando APIs RESTful com Ruby on Rails
  • Image of Filtros e Callbacks com ActiveRecord e Ruby on Rails
  • Image of Validações de Dados no ActiveRecord em Ruby on Rails
  • Image of Desafios Intermediários II - Formação Ruby on Rails
  • Image of Crie Seu Próprio Blog com Ruby On Rails
  • Image of Criando Partial Files em Ruby on Rails

Latest certifications </>

  • certificate of Criando APIs RESTful com Ruby on Rails
  • certificate of Filtros e Callbacks com ActiveRecord e Ruby on Rails

Profiles similar to Coriolando Souza Medeiros: </>

  • Ruben Cordeiro
  • Ângelo Souza
  • Dalton Jesus
  • Matheus Batista
  • Cristiano Souza
  • Leckson Farias
  • Guilherme Marcelino
  • Marcio Herrero
  • Leanderson Lima
  • Samara Quintino
  • Caio Mello
  • Adrian Correa

Join Coriolando Souza Medeiros in formation </>

certificate of Curso Ruby Developer
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