Bootcamp Microsoft - Azure Essentials

Enrollments closed

Get ready to the AZ-900 certification by learning the essential concepts of cloud computing, even if you're new to the subject! Explore Azure's architecture and tools, and take a practice exam to graduate and compete for one of 200 free vouchers to earn your certification.

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    Hours of content

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    Projects for your portfolio

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    Code challenge

The World of Innovation

  • Continuous Advancement

    Keep evolving in your professional journey, more efficiently and attracting more attention from recruiters.

  • Opportunities

    Stand out in the cloud field, a promising and essential path for your professional journey, and compete for one of the 200 free vouchers to take the AZ-900 certification exam.

  • Complete Learning Environment

    Through the Bootcamp, you will have access to an incredible and complete educational immersion with courses, challenges (hands-on!), and mentoring on the DIO platform.


What You Will Learn

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    Evolve Skills

    Study trending technologies, tools, and libraries worldwide.

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    Learn from renowned experts in live sessions.

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    Practical Challenges

    Practice what you've learned and highlight your portfolio with practical projects.

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    AZ-900 Certification

    Obtain your first Microsoft certification, recognized by companies worldwide, and prove your knowledge in one of the leading cloud tools, covering everything from basic cloud computing concepts to practical application of Azure services.

Get to know the Bootcamp content

The Differentiators That Take You Further

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    Configure, deploy, and manage applications on the Azure cloud, using services that ensure high availability and performance.

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    Manage over 200 Azure Cloud services without typing a single line of code, simply by using the visual workflow tool in a low-code manner, and create complete serverless integrations and solutions.

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    Integrate and use artificial intelligence models, such as natural language processing and computer vision, within the Azure ecosystem, creating intelligent solutions that can be quickly implemented and scaled.

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    Register yourself.

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    Join live mentorship sessions with top market experts.

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    Network and learn within a community.

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    Practice with code challenges.

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    Build your portfolio with practical projects.

Have your profile highlighted in Talent Match with real hiring opportunities.

YOUR NAME - Cloud Solution Architect 3 4564-8910
DIO certificationcertificate image
ProjectsContributing to an Open Source Project on GitHubMicrosoft Azure - Locating Services by CategoryCreating Virtual Machines on AzureConfiguring a Database Instance on AzureBuilding Architectures on AzureConfiguring Resources and Scaling on Virtual Machines in AzureMastering Storage on AzureUnderstanding Security and Identity on AzureOptimizing Costs on AzureGovernance and Compliance on AzureDeployment Tools on AzureIntelligent Monitoring with Azure
Feedback Selection ProcessHired

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    Professionals at the start of their technology careers or those looking to expand their knowledge of Azure to advance their careers with a Microsoft certification.

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    Have your profile available for opportunities in one of the most sought-after areas by DIO partner companies in Talent Match and add this certificate to gain prominence.

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    Prepare for upcoming opportunities and succeed in recruitment interviews.