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Guilherme Rodrigues
Guilherme Rodrigues12/09/2024 12:59

The future of internet? IVAs?

    Rise of IVAs (Intelligent virtual assistants)

    In recent years, we have witnessed a significant transformation in how we interact with tech. The evolution of search engines, led by Google, has shaped our way of accessing information. However, a new trend is emerging, pointing towards the gradual replacement of these search engines by Intelligent virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, and ChatGPT. This shift is driven not just by technological advancements but also by changes in human behavior.

    The decline

    Since its launch in 1998, Google has dominated the internet search landscape, providing users the ability to find information quickly and efficiently. The nature of these searches has always required a certain level of effort and engagement from the user. Searching, filtering results, and interpreting information are tasks that demand time and attention.

    With the advancement of technology and the growing adoption of IVAs, we notice a change in user behavior. Assistants like Alexa, ChatGPT, and others AI assistants, not only answer questions but also offer personalized solutions, predictions, and suggestions based on a deep understanding of user needs. (NLP - natural language processing)


    One of the main factors driving this trend is the growing preference of users for quick and "pre-chewed" answers. In an era of fast dopamine, the patience for in-depth searches is dwindling. People are becoming increasingly dependent on ready-made and immediate answers. IVAs perfectly meet this demand by providing direct and fast information, eliminating the need to scour the web.

    This "laziness" is not necessarily negative. In fact, it reflects a natural evolution in consumer, where optimizing time and increasing efficiency in daily activities.


    For businesses and marketers, this transition represents both a challenge and an opportunity. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies that have been the cornerstone of digital marketing for decades may need to be revised. With assistants filtering information and offering direct answers, a brand's or service's visibility might depend more on the relevance and quality of content rather than just optimized keywords.

    Adaptation will be key to success. Companies that invest in artificial intelligence technologies and create relevant, actionable content will be better positioned to benefit from this new era.


    Graph representing the market value of IVAs


    The end?

    Virtual assistants marks a significant shift in how we access information, it is unlikely that traditional search engines will completely disappear. IVAs still dependent on the vast databases and algorithms developed by these search engines to provide accurate and comprehensive answers. The sheer volume of information and the complexity of many queries mean that search engines will continue to play.

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    Comments (1)
    Fernando Araujo
    Fernando Araujo - 12/09/2024 15:27

    Olá, Guilherme.

    O assunto é bem interessante e oportuno!

    No entanto, para saber mais sobre o assunto, seria interessante indicar como referência a fonte que você consultou.

    E, caso o texto tenha sido gerado por alguma ferramenta de IA (ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini), deveria ter sido informado seu uso.

    Por último, não entendi porque você postou o artigo em inglês, pois isso limita a quantidade de usuários daqui que vão conseguir ler o texto inteiro, não acha?