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Lucas Souza15/10/2023 15:45

What is Cloud Computing?

  • #AWS
  • #Azure

Eng article

This question can be easily answered :

It is a digital luggage storage.

It is basically a place on the Internet where you can store, share and manage data.

The barriers of on-premisses data storing are broken by this technology.

Because it has:

-scalability, being able to adapt to all levels of private and consumer demand;

-it has a low cost, for you can hire a company to do the job that in the past would be yours;

-remote access, for you can put this data in severs throught the world and also have access to it from any place;

-Low-cost service, because you dont pay for the entire severs mantainance, because you only pay for what you choose to use of it;


Those barriers mentioned before would be:

Logistic troubles for mantaining a private data sever; the higher cost of it and also the threat of not being able to match a higher client data demand, because you've only planned to scalate your data storage until a certain level; etc.

Companies that offer this revolutionary solution are: AWS, from amazon; Azure, from Microsoft; etc.

If it was useful and helped you: please comment and make a suggestion of what i could improve in the next article.

I will publish the next in portuguese.

Take care!


the exccellent videos of this course( the ones presented by Renan Oliveira, the teacher) and this vídeo-

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