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Gilber Souza
Gilber Souza03/03/2023 09:06

Tela Login e Registro - Android

    Na maioria do Apps temos uma tela de autenticação que recebe as informações para entrar no App com login e senha e uma tela de cadastro que permite cadastrar novos usuarios. Neste tutorial vamos desenvolver a tela de login e cadastro para o SO android utilizado o kit de ferramenta Jetpack compose para criar Interface.


    class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
      override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
          setContent {
              LoginExemploTheme {
                  // A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
                      modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                      color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
                  ) {

    Definido espaço, margen, size do text

    import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
    import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
    val PADDING_STAR = 12.dp
    val PADDING_END = 12.dp
    val PADDING_BOTTON = 120.dp
    val TEXT_SIZE = 18.sp
    val TEXT_DEFAUL = 16.sp
    val CORNER_RADIUS = 25.dp
    val SIZE_OUTLINE_BUTTON = 46.dp
    val PADDING_VALUES = 8.dp
    val BORDER_STROKE = 0.dp
    val DEFAULT_ELEVATION = 4.dp
    val WIDTH = 64.dp
    val THISCKNESS = 1.dp
    val PADDING_FIELD = 32.dp
    val LETTERSPACING = 1.sp
    val SPACER_HEIGHT = 48.dp
    val SPACED_BY = 8.dp

    Criar a função composable Divider: Objetivo de preencher um determinado espaço com um tamanho definido

    fun Divider(){
      Divider(modifier = Modifier
          color = Color(0xFF333333),
          thickness = THISCKNESS

    Vamos criar uma função composable para incluir icones do google e facebook

    fun SignupWithIcons(
      iconRes: Int,
      contetx: Context
          modifier = Modifier.size(SIZE_OUTLINE_BUTTON),
          shape = CircleShape,
          contentPadding = PaddingValues(PADDING_VALUES),
          border = BorderStroke(BORDER_STROKE, Color.Transparent),
          elevation = ButtonDefaults.elevation(defaultElevation = DEFAULT_ELEVATION),
          onClick = { showToast(context = contetx, message = "Click") }) {
          Icon(painter = painterResource(id = iconRes), contentDescription = contentDescription, tint = Color.Unspecified)

    função composable LoginSignupTextField para criar nossa caixa de entrada da informações onde vamos receber por paramtros um text (string) e hint(String) e leadingIcon(imageVector) e onText(String)

    fun LoginSignupTextField(
      text: String,
      hint: String,
      leadingIcon: ImageVector,
      onText: (String) -> Unit
         modifier = Modifier
                 start = PADDING_FIELD,
                 end = PADDING_FIELD,
                 top = PADDING_FIELD
             .background(Color.White, RoundedCornerShape(CORNER_RADIUS)),
         value = text,
         colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
             focusedBorderColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
             unfocusedBorderColor = Color.White,
             cursorColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary
         onValueChange = {onText(it)},
         singleLine = true,
         shape = RoundedCornerShape(CORNER_RADIUS),
         textStyle = TextStyle(color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary, letterSpacing = LETTERSPACING, fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium),
         placeholder = { Text(
             text = hint,
         style = TextStyle(color = Color(0xFF808080), letterSpacing = LETTERSPACING, fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium)
         leadingIcon = {
                 imageVector = leadingIcon,
                 contentDescription = hint,
                 tint = MaterialTheme.colors.primary)

    Vamos função composable LoginSignup onde vamos chamar as funções criada em anteriormente e passar os parametros solicitados

    fun LoginSignup(){
      val context: Context = LocalContext.current
      var isSignup  by remember {
      var textName by remember {
      var textPhone by remember {
      var textEmail by remember {
      var textPassword by remember {
      Column(modifier = Modifier
      horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
      verticalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceBetween) {
          Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
                  modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 24.dp),
                  text = if (isSignup) "Criar uma conta" else "Bem vindo de volta",
                  style = TextStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
                      fontSize = 30.sp,
                      letterSpacing = 1.sp,
                      color = Color.Black)
                  modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 4.dp),
                  text = if (isSignup) "Inscreva-se para começar" else "Faça login em sua conta",
                  style = TextStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
                      fontSize = 18.sp,
                      letterSpacing = 1.sp,
                      color = Color.Black)
              //campo de texto de nome completo
              if (isSignup){
                  LoginSignupTextField(text = textName, hint = "Nome", leadingIcon = Icons.Default.Person, onText = {textName = (it)})
              //campo email
              if (isSignup){
                  LoginSignupTextField(text = textEmail, hint = "Email", leadingIcon = Icons.Default.Email, onText ={textEmail = (it)} )
                  LoginSignupTextField(text = textEmail, hint = "Email", leadingIcon = Icons.Default.Email, onText ={textEmail = (it)} )
              //campo celular
              if (isSignup){
                  LoginSignupTextField(text = textPhone, hint = "Telefone", leadingIcon = Icons.Default.Phone, onText ={textPhone = (it)} )
              //campo  senha
              if (isSignup){
                  LoginSignupTextField(text = textPassword, hint = "Senha", leadingIcon = Icons.Default.Lock, onText = {textPassword=(it)})
                  LoginSignupTextField(text = textPassword, hint = "Senha", leadingIcon = Icons.Default.Lock, onText = {textPassword=(it)})
              //Botão cadastrar ou Entrar
                  modifier = Modifier
                          start = PADDING_FIELD,
                          end = PADDING_FIELD,
                          top = PADDING_FIELD
                  shape = RoundedCornerShape(CORNER_RADIUS),
                  colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary),
                  onClick = {
                      if (isSignup){
                          showToast(context,"Cadastro Realizado com sucesso!")
                          showToast(context,"Login realizado com sucesso")
                  /*TODO*/ }) {
                      text = if (isSignup) "Inscrever-se" else "Entrar",
                      style = TextStyle(
                          fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium,
                          fontSize = TEXT_SIZE,
                          color = Color.White,
                          letterSpacing = LETTERSPACING
              Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(SPACER_HEIGHT))
                  horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
                  verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
              ) {
                      modifier = Modifier.padding(start = PADDING_STAR, end = PADDING_END),
                      text = if(isSignup) "Cadastre-se COM" else "Entrar com",
                      style = TextStyle(
                      fontSize = TEXT_DEFAUL,
                      letterSpacing = LETTERSPACING,
                      color = Color.Black
              Row(modifier = Modifier.padding(PADDING_VALUES),
                  horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(SPACED_BY)) {
                  SignupWithIcons(iconRes = R.drawable.icon_google,
                      contentDescription = if (isSignup) "Cadastre-se com Google" else "Entrar com Google", contetx = context)
                  SignupWithIcons(iconRes = R.drawable.icon_facebook,
                      contentDescription = if (isSignup) "Cadastre-se com Facebook" else "Entrar com Facebook", contetx = context)
          Row(modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = PADDING_BOTTON),
              horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
              verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
              Text(text = if(isSignup)"Já um Membro? " else " Não tem uma conta? ", color = Color.Black, fontSize = TEXT_DEFAUL, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold)
                  modifier = Modifier.clickable { isSignup =!isSignup },
                  text = if(isSignup)" Entrar " else " Inscrever-se ", color = Color.Black, fontSize = TEXT_DEFAUL, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold)

    github: gilber

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