#project: Sistema Bancário Atualizado
Pessoal, estou compartilhando a entrega do meu projeto de sistema bancário com algumas atualizações recentes! Este projeto foi desenvolvido em Python e simula operações básicas de um banco, como depósitos, saques, visualização de extrato e criação de usuários e contas correntes.
O que há de novo?
- Modularização do código: Dividi o programa em funções específicas para cada operação, tornando-o mais organizado e fácil de manter.
- Validação de CPF: Agora o sistema verifica se o CPF já está cadastrado, evitando duplicidades.
- Limites de saque: Implementei regras para limitar os saques a R$ 500,00 por transação, com um máximo de 3 saques por dia.
- Extrato detalhado: O extrato foi aprimorado para separar depósitos e saques, exibindo o saldo atual de forma clara.
- Criação de contas: Contas correntes são criadas automaticamente e vinculadas a usuários existentes, com número sequencial e agência fixa (
Convido vocês a darem uma olhada!
Fique à vontade para analisar como estruturei e construí o código. Adoraria receber feedbacks, sugestões e opiniões de vocês! Se possível, compartilhem também o link do repositório de seus projetos para que eu possa conferir e aprender com o trabalho de todos. 😊
Link do repositório: https://github.com/ecopque/new_banking_system
Meu LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ecopque/
Abaixo, meu código completo:
# FILE: /main.py
users = list()
def create_user(name, birth, cpf: str, address: str): #1:
for i1 in users:
if i1['cpf'] == cpf:
print('CPF already registered.')
new_user = {
'name': name,
'birth': birth,
'cpf': cpf,
'address': address
print(f'User {name} created successfully.')
# return new_user
accounts = list()
def create_current_account(cpf):
user_found = None
for i2 in users:
if i2['cpf'] == cpf:
user_found = i2
print(f'User found: {user_found}')
if not user_found:
print('User not found.')
account_number = (len(accounts) + 1)
account_new = {
'agency': '0001',
'account_number': account_number,
'user': user_found
print('Account created successfully.')
# Keyword only:
def withdraw(*, balance, withdrawal, statement, limit, number_withdrawals, limit_withdrawals):
if withdrawal > limit:
print(f'It is not possible to withdraw ammounts above {limit}')
elif number_withdrawals >= limit_withdrawals:
print('You have reached your daily withdrawal limit.')
elif withdrawal > balance:
print(f'You do not have enough balance. Current: R${balance:.2f}.')
elif withdrawal > 0:
balance -= withdrawal
statement.append(f'Withdrawal: R${withdrawal:.2f}.')
number_withdrawals += 1
print(f'Cash out: R${withdrawal:.2f}. Balance: {balance:.2f}.')
print('Enter only positive values.')
return balance, statement
# Positional only:
def deposit(balance, amount, statement, /):
if amount > 0:
balance += amount
statement.append(f'Deposit of R${amount:.2f}.')
print(f'Deposit of R${amount:.2f}. Balance: {balance:.2f}.')
print('Enter only positive values.')
return balance, statement
# Positional only and keyword only:
def bank_statement(balance, /, *, statement ):
print('EXTRACT: ')
print('DEPOSIT: ')
if statement:
for i3 in statement:
if i3.startswith('Deposit'):
print('No deposit made.')
print('WITHDRAWALS: ')
if statement:
for i4 in statement:
if i4.startswith('Withdrawal'):
print('No withdrawals made.')
print(f'Balance: {balance:.2f}.')
def list_accounts():
for i5 in accounts:
print(f'Agency: {i5["agency"]}',
f'Number of account: {i5["account_number"]}',
f'User: {i5["user"]["name"]}'
def menu():
balance = 0
statement = list()
withdrawal_limit = 500
withdrawal_limit_day = 3
number_withdrawals = 0
while True:
options = int(input('Choose one of the options:\n'
'[1] - Cash out\n'
'[2] - Deposit\n'
'[3] - View extract\n'
'[4] - Create user\n'
'[5] - Create current account\n'
'[6] - List accounts\n'
'[7] - Exit\n'
'[8] - Info): ')
if options == 1:
cashout_amount = float(input('Enter the cash out amount: '))
balance, statement = withdraw(
balance = balance,
withdrawal = cashout_amount,
statement = statement,
limit = withdrawal_limit,
number_withdrawals = number_withdrawals,
limit_withdrawals = withdrawal_limit_day
if cashout_amount > 0 and cashout_amount <= balance and number_withdrawals < withdrawal_limit_day:
number_withdrawals += 1
elif options == 2:
deposit_amount = float(input('Enter the deposit amount: '))
balance, statement = deposit(balance, deposit_amount, statement)
elif options == 3:
bank_statement(balance, statement=statement)
elif options == 4:
name = str(input('Enter your name: '))
birth = str(input('Enter your birth date (DD/MM/YYY): '))
cpf = str(input('Enter your CPF (numbers only): '))
address = str(input('Enter you address (logradouro, nro - bairro - city/state: )'))
create_user(name, birth, cpf, address)
elif options == 5:
cpf = str(input('Enter your CPF (numbers only): '))
elif options == 6:
elif options == 7:
print('Thank you for using our system. Goodbye!')
elif options == 8:
print('### DEVELOPER DATA ###')
print('Developed by: Edson Copque\n'
'Site: https://linktr.ee/edsoncopque\n'
'GitHub: https://github.com/ecopque\n'
'Repo: https://github.com/ecopque/new_banking_system\n'
'Signal Messenger: ecop.01\n')
print('Please enter a valid number.')
except ValueError:
print(f'Please enter a valid input.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
. Developer: Edson Copque
. Website: https://linktr.ee/edsoncopque
. GitHub: https://github.com/ecopque
. Signal Messenger: ecop.01