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Guilherme Farçoni
Guilherme Farçoni12/09/2023 16:36

Logarithm in REAL LIFE?

  • #Python
  • #Jupyter
  • #Machine Learning


Yes! I finally found usage for logarithm in real life! 😎

So if you were a bit like me in school, that got annoyed because the teacher couldn't tell you what are you learning those concepts for, now go find your teacher and send him this article link hahaha

Pretty much all electronic devices that you use nowadays are linked to the internet, subsequently to an account of any platform. When you "accept cookies" 🍪😋 you are actually allowing these companies to collect all data from you, like the time you spend on posts, the clicks you do and your preferences. Machine learning also "reads" the texts that you write on the internet and nowadays we have tools that can even try to find the feeling of these "writers" just by the words they use.

One of these tools is TF-IDF. It does use LOGARITHM on its formula, and if you give some careful look, you will notice that it makes sense, so it isn't as impossible as your high school teacher was presenting to you 😁

TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency. It's a way to measure the importance of words in a document compared to a larger set of documents.

In simple terms, it helps find the words that are unique and meaningful in a specific document. For example, in a bunch of product reviews, TF-IDF can highlight words that really stand out for each product, helping us understand what's special about them.

It's used in various fields like search engines to rank results, text mining to extract important information, and in recommendation systems to understand user preferences. It helps computers understand what's important in text, much like we do when we read.

So thanks for giving me the chance to learn more about it when writing this article, so people can learn and I feel good about learning connections.

Connect to my linkedin profile so that you can be notified when my first Data Science project about Machine Learning with Texts comes alive:

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