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Eric Ricielle
Eric Ricielle07/06/2024 11:24
Nexa - Análise Avançada de Imagens e Texto com IA na AWSRecomendados para vocêNexa - Análise Avançada de Imagens e Texto com IA na AWS

Butterfly Effect

    # Butterfly Effect

    In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. - Wikipedia

    To improve my skills in English, nowadays I'm reading the book "Atomic Habits" and the image below shows us that a tiny change in our attitudes can (and does) make big differences in our own lives.

    Sometimes, the change may seem insignificant, but all deep changes take time, and to be honest, what is the other objective in our life furthermore of being a better person every day?

    Do for other people what you wish them to do for you, hard work, and be confident that you may make a difference.

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