
Acesse bootcamps ilimitados e +650 cursos

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André (Andrehlb)
André (Andrehlb)29/06/2022 05:54

About Scientific Reports | Why publish in Scientific Reports?

    Scientific Reports is an open access journal publishing original research from across all areas of the natural sciences, psychology, medicine and engineering, data science and others.

    Global influence

    They offer to authors a highly respected home for their research. Scientific Reports is the 6th most-cited journal in the world, with more than 540,000 citations in 2020*, and receives widespread attention in policy documents and the media.

    *2020 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics, 2021)

    Journal metrics 2021

    • 2-year impact factor: 4.380
    • 5-year impact factor: 5.134
    • Immediacy index: 0.783
    • Eigenfactor® score: 1.23250
    • Article influence score: 1.285
    • 2 year median: 3

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